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2 Issues: 1. This is a stolen game. 2. If you die to fire, you continue to burn even when you respawn, softlocking the game.


stolen game


  1. Scroll Up is the same as Space, and it’s also used to select an item in the item bar.
  2. The wheel is inverted, so wheel down goes left on the item bar, while up goes right. This is more of a personal preference just like moving mouse up moves camera down instead of up in some FPS games, though, but I hate that either way, and there’s no option to change that.



Just compare the creative inventory of griffpatch and mine

(1 edit) (+1)

you made this project with griffpatch game lol


bro you really ripped off a project by Griffpatch.

I die not ripped off it clearly states original by griffpatch and parnapple and it is inspired by and I added more features just compare them for a minute




bro replied to himself on his rip off game

Fr :joy: